All Downstrokes

Yeah, this stuff with different techniques speed always makes me wonder ‘what the hell??’
I mean, my 2nps USX alternate picking is up to 190 bpm sometimes but USX tremolo is hardly beyond 120 bpm. Come on, picking on one string should be easier than on two!!

btw when you do downstrokes do you have that feeling that you like throwing your hand on the string? Or it’s just me?

Me personally been playing downstroke thrash for eons (about 34 years) - I can’t describe it really - it’s like the safest most controlled thing ever. I feel like Big Jim Martin from faith no more - if in doubt chug!! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the replies guys.

I’m a little unsure what you mean about the vertical pick angle?
I may try up load a video later and if you guys could check it out I’d be very grateful.
Another issue I tend to have with all downstrokes is the pick point will quickly start pointing towards the bridge which I usually have to stop and fix. I’m unsure how to solve that problem either… :confused:

I just keep the pick at the exact same angle when it hits the string - it gives a consistent chug click and note decay. For me it’s vertically perpendicular to the string - but as long as its the exact same angle - its fine!

My pick tends to rotate in opposite direction, but only when playing alternating. With all downstroke approach I don’t have that issue.

Sure, go on.
I would try to record a video myself using my old webcam, though I have some strange problems with my notebook (it speed up the video gradually during the recording)

If @shabtronic could record a video too it would be awesome. I feel that we use different approaches and it would be interesting to analyze them. Though I guess his way is more correct since I’m a kinda newbie in chugging )

I will try!! I just made a DIY magnet - it’s a terrible shabby affair - but I’ll give it a go when the daylight is good again (tomorrow). I’ve looked at my Chugging - both upstroke and downstroke - and it’s mostly deviation+flexion, maybe a tiny hint of rotation - hard to tell till I’ve looked at a vid of it. My webcam only does 60fps - but chugging is slow - so it should be fine!

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@shabtronic @ASTN

Thanks for your responses guys.
I’ve made a video, it’s not the best quality but hopefully gives an idea as to what I’m trying to do and shows any errors I may be making. If you guys wanted to upload vids that would be very much appreciated! But I don’t expect that, making vids can be a pain in the ass! My webcam often just refuses to cooperate lol

You tell me! ))
Leaving aside strange syncronisation issues (my videos sometimes speed up close to the end), I have to record audio separately in different program (since I’m using virtual effects) and then put all that stuff together.

Ok, here’s the video. My webcam cable is short so the angle may be far from perfect… Anyway. I start with 8th on 100bpm then play 16th as a part of routine. I guess @shabtronic downstrokes would be more aggresive, since my downstroke version is a result of my blues habits, so it’s a scratchy but not as chuggy.

Hi Guys

I didn’t manage a vid on the weekend - but I have some free time tomorrow - so I’ll do one then (I had 3 job interviews yesterday and today :open_mouth: )

I notice when I’m “chuggin”! I have much much more Extension/Flexion movement compared to both those vids. Having that big bouncy movement helps with switching from muting to unmuted chord stabs (my pick can jump up about 1-1.5" above the strings in the extremely wild moments :slight_smile: ). And I can use much more aggressive diggin in downstrokes - that comes from using crap low gain amps in 80’s. It takes a while to get to that kind of power control - but once you have it’s - its there for good.

Thanks @ASTN for going to the effort of making a video! Very much appreciated.
You seem far more relaxed and faster than I can get anyway! I have a feeling I’ve been training the motions incorrectly, well, not incorrectly, but perhaps not in the best way as I can’t get strong articulation when doing a circular motion with the wrist. Annoyingly, my upstrokes are way faster, more relaxed and more aggressive sounding and I’ve not been training all upstrokes :joy:

@shabtronic Thanks for that! I’m very interested to see how you do your downstrokes as a thrash veteran for many years!

Yeah I didn’t manage a video today lol - sorry My freetime got chewed up again. I will attempt one again tomorrow.

I’m super interested in this also, because my picking is much more vertical movement - and I think that’s to pull the deep wrist deviation chug away from hitting the next strings. It seems totally normal to me - but now I realize how bonkers it is :slight_smile: - watching myself chuggin it looks like all vertical movement - it’s bizarre!

I guess that’s what gives you nice attack on a string. I tried to do it more ‘in deck’ but I couldn’t get fast with that kind of motion. Though, to be fair, I didn’t practice much )
I’ve seen guys on youtube doing it in more vertical manner and that sounded heavy \m/.
So, from now on I’ll call my downstrokes ‘lazy chugging’ )

Yep, that’s the key. Once again it’s not about injuries prevention, it’s just I can’t play fast when my wrist becomes tensed. The feeling is like I’m throwing my hand on a string. It may be that I even use string reaction to help me go ‘up’ after stroke… I don’t know.
What I know for sure is that there is rotational movement involved.

Historicaly my downstrokes evolved in that way: My first guitar was acoustic. I played it with my fingers, and when I tried to imitate metal riffs I used my index finger nail. It didn’t feel good and didn’t sound good with pure ‘through the string’ motion, so I ended up with that shaky motion.

The same stuff here. Well, it was until I ‘practiced’ downstrokes a bit. Of course, by practicing I mean playing heavy stuff I like instead of doing exercises as I should )

Have you watched Brandon Small interview?

He has a kind of motion which is close to mine though a bit more jumpy and agressive. He’s talking about ‘turning the key’ motion.

@shabtronic No worries, whenever you have spare time I’m very interested in the vertical motion as I’m not familiar with what that is.

@ASTN Thanks I’ll have a look at that video. I actually let out a lot more pick than Brendon does, i’ve always let quite a bit of pick out for rhythm stuff and a bit less for lead. Not sure if that really matters or not…

Do you guys have the pick at about a 45 degree angle to the strings? I do and I’m wondering with continuous downstrokes is that what is maybe causing the pick to rotate so much…

For me it’s not very crucial. Actually I prefer to have about 40% of pick open for downstrokes, but sometimes I start chuggy section after playing previous part of song and I find my pick drown deep in my fingers )

What angle do you mean? My slanting angle is about 45°, leaning ~20-30° to neck, edge picking angle ~20°.

My pick is almost always vertically perpendicular to the strings when I’m “chuggin”. And it’s flat on with the strings - no 45% angle

Side on view of strings and pick (pls excuse my comedy ascii art:) )


nnnn ppp


If I’m “scuffin” it’s entirely different - more like normal picking for speed.

When I finally manage to do that vid - you’ll see.

Hey all, just a quick reminder that you can find a lot of good stuff via the search function! By searching “fast downstrokes” I get a least a couple of interesting threads:

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Ah, thanks for that!, believe it or not I actually complete forgot I could search :joy: I’m incompetent at the internet!