Buckethead's picking hand

The other thing to realize is that BH uses strictly upstrokes to play Big Sur Moon.

Picking hand views around 0:23

Good shots of his picking hand around 0:50 on this one.

His right hand is very interesting to look at over his career. He’s changed his picking style a few times. There’s early videos of him using the backwards thumb thing like PG used at his start, probably about the same time he was taking lessons from Paul. There’s the floating Sarod picking that he most definitely picked up from his original teacher Pebber Brown. He does some Shawn Lane style form in the late 90s. Nowadays he really keeps his wrist planted on the bridge for his faster picking. He’s a good representation of the fact that you can use many different styles and they can all yield great results. I’ll add some more links of that stuff later today to show the different styles I’ve noticed.

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