Convert from Eco Picker to Alt Picker

@Fossegrim ok here’s a quick video of me playing the lick you posted. I did spend about 4 minutes practicing and getting it under my fingers before recording But before I spent a lot of time with it I wanted to make sure that I’m playing it the way you wanted. Thanks again!!

It looks like you still have some wrist involvement here. You could attempt to “lock” the wrist in place with a little bit of tension (key here is a little, not enough to cause any kind of strain).

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@Norseman I think you accidentally uploaded the trem picking video twice instead of the lick.

@Fossegrim sorry about that. How does it look now?


Play the lick more like this, so it cycles every other time, and try for a similar camera angle:

Don’t worry about speed or timing, my timing isn’t great in the vid either, just worry more about the mechanics of it.


@Pepepicks66 I’ll try that and post again the next chance I get.

@Fossegrim you’re going so fast that i cant make out exactly what you’re doing lol

@Norseman it’s lick # 2 as posted. The only difference is that you left off the second part of the lick in your vid before it cycles back, you just cycled the first 6 notes over and over. The first three notes of each 6 note chunk are played with a down stroke, hammer on, hammer on. The rest are strictly picked - up, down, up, regardless of string they are on.

Also the camera angle is key so I can see the string cross you do. If you noticed, when I’m playing it, it sounds relatively quick, but my picking hand isn’t flailing all over the place to make it happen, it’s barely moving or only moves as much as it needs to over the strings - that’s sort of the goal with these PG style licks, you don’t want a lot of extra movements, or exaggerated shift in slanting. Seeing these extra movements in your picking hand is going to be key for us to help sort it out. In the vid I posted, you can see a shift to DSX is there! But it’s super subtle, so much so that it may go unnoticed.

Guys im doing this 30 Day Sweep Picking Challenge thing on Facebook so thats why I’ve been MIA a few days. Im not done with this though and really appreciate the help!!