Technical Note
First off: I was finally able to upload a decent video. I double checked, and the new videos I made have 30fps. It turns out that it was a problem with my iMovie, probably because it’s an old version. Anyway, I guess no one is interested in my computer problems, so let’s move on to the important stuff
Reflecting on my…
After digesting the recent feedback, I am shocked by my lack of ability to analyse my playing. I was convinced that what I was doing was deviation + extension on upstrokes and (flexion +) deviation on downstrokes, and I didn’t see that on some of the clips I was doing the opposite. So one thing I learned is that my “picking analyis skills” need more work. Fortunately there is this forum where things get straightened out. With this in mind I started to have second thoughts about what I said earlier about me changing the motion around. Maybe something totally different was going on there, I’ll need to look into it.
Over the last couple days I focussed on practising with what I thought was still a supinated forearm position, even if the amount of supination is not very high.
I was refering to my arm position. To determine wether I am supinated or pronated (or parallel) I used to compare my forearm to my upper arm. But I guess that strings and upper arm are “in the same plane”, so that should be the same as looking at the forearm relative to the strings.
Thinking about my position, I get puzzled more and more. If my movement is actually deviation only on the downstroke, then my forearm would have to be pronated. Otherwise I would bump into the string, which I don’t see happening in my clips (You have laid out all this in one of your posts, bit it took a while for this to sink in).
But comparing my forearm and my upper arm, I thought that I am not pronated, but still a bit supinated. Maybe I am just not able to correctly identify my arm position, certainly a possibility. But then again, when I start getting into faster tempos, the pick movement becomes quite a bit smaller. If it’s small enough, I could even be deviating only and not hit the string. I’m not sure if that would be a good thing, I am just “thinking out loud”.
Anyway, this less supinated/parallel/slightly pronated position generally feels good. That’s not to say that the other, more supinated position did not feel good.
I’m glad to hear that, and what I like about the supinated form is that you really can get muting with it. However, there is this unbalanced motion issue that I have, and that does not seem to occur in the less supinated/parallel/slightly pronated form. So I decided not to worry about muting for now and work on this form.
Here is a clip with a scalar run. I must admit that I was more pleased when I played this then when I watch it now. It still sounds a bit sloppy, but it’s not terrible. My hand position changes from the high to the low strings, but that might just be caused by the thumb heel, which has to move away from the strings onto the body as I am approaching the low strings. I also notice quite a bit of movement in my arm. Could be because of string tracking, but maybe there is an elbow component to my movement?
This is a clip where I am playing arpeggions like those in Tumeni Notes. Here I am trying to floor it, not paying attention to accuracy but to the movement. It felt good, definitely a rather encouraging experience. I also experiment with muting by bringing my whole hand more onto the strings at some point. My hand position with this “new setup” is quite far back compared to how I used to play. The thumb heel is on the strings, but the pinky heel is further back, sometimes even behind the bridge.
And this is a clip where I play the roll. My hand lifts up a bit higher here than in the other clips. the lifted position feels very good at moderate tempos, when I try to speed up I loose control, though. When I played this, it felt very bad and that’s why I filmed it. I wanted to see what’s going on, and I think what’s happening here is stringhopping. If so, that is a good explanation of why it felt so bad.
I’m thinking that stringhopping may be part of my technique, which has evolved over the years. Even though I am trying not to do it anymore, it just takes more time and practise to get rid of it. Right now it’s still there and creeps in from time to time. That would only reasonable. Anyway, that’s it for now. I curious what you guys say.
I am definitely interested in how you go about measuring these things!