Does Warmup Time Decrease with Experience

Right now, it seems like its taking me 3-4 hours to reach max picking accuracy, will it always be like that, or will it take less time as i progress, 3-4 hours just seems pretty unrealistic for a daily warm up to me

Help is much appreciated


I have raised a similar point in the past. I think you will find a lot of interesting info in this thread:

How much time do you need to get back up to speed?

Happy reading!

Warmup is warmup, your baseline level of proficiency is another thing.

3-4 hours isn’t you ‘warming up’. Ideally over time your base level will improve with practise. Yeah it can be frustrating that yesterday you did blah thing at X speed after Y minutes of practise and today you can’t do it, but think back to what you could and couldn’t play 6 months ago, a year ago, and look forward to what you’re going to be able to do in a years time if you keep at it.

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holy!!! and I was complaining about 5 minutes!!!