Here is an example of how the strumming-like motion I talked about looks. This isn’t great cross picking by any means but I think it might be interesting to see different takes now that we’re talking about it. The thing with this style is that you don’t think of your hand as picking the individual strings, but more like picking “over” the strings in a side to side motion. It’s much more like the feeling of strumming but with the motion dialed in to hit the individual strings during the strumming motion.
This is my limit for “cleanish” playing as of now, if I go faster I loose control. But the important thing is that the hand can move much faster than this with this motion, so the potential for speed is there and that is a very important fact. Also, the motion is definitely not small and if I go faster the motion doesn’t get smaller, just faster. I’m not sure this is of interest to you but what the heck.