Great picking exercise from Anton Oparin

His technique realy is amazing! Especialy those big string skips with alternate picking at blistering speeds; i have not seen anyone else do this yet.
His left hand also is amazing!

The part where he practices picking while muting the strings is interesting (donā€™t fret any notes, just focus on picking). I never really tried that before. I wonder if thereā€™s a good travel practice tool Kickstarter idea in there, like the old Digitar:

I guess thereā€™s probably already an App for it, since we can do audio->midi now.

Just keep in mind that we have moved away from using the term ā€œpickslantingā€ to describe picking motion. If we say ā€œpickslantingā€, we only mean ā€œwhat the pick looks like, i.e. does it look like it is being held in a way that it is angledā€. Instead, when we want to talk about the pick moving in a way that goes over the top of the string, we use the term ā€œescapeā€ for that ā€” either downstroke escape, upstroke escape, or double escape.

The reason we did this is just to eliminate confusion. There are lots of picking motions you can do where the pick does not appear slanted, but still moves along a diagonal (or a semicircle) and goes up in the air. One of the most common and famous examples of this is Al Di Meolaā€™s picking motion, which does have an escape (downstroke escape), but does not have a pickslant when many people do it:

So in Antonā€™s case, in order for him to get to a new string without hitting something, yes, there must be an escape. No, there doesnā€™t have to be a ā€œpickslantā€ ā€” there might be, there might not be, depending on the type of picking motion he uses.

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