How many people use "hybrid picking?"

I have, and can. For me hybrid plucks, the super fast ones anyways, happen right after an upstroke. I THINK that’s kind of Marshall Harrison’s thing also.

My grip at the moment is a 3 finger trailing edge, and I can easily hybrid that way also. I prefer this as it’s different than my trigger grip, which helps me separate between doing a tense elbow motion, or RDT.

Multiple fingers in hybrid playing is something that needs work; for instance the pinky is nigh useless for some things, but there are moments when the lifeless stump that it is comes in handy. Hybrid picking is a universe unto itself. Definitely has it’s own sound, that’s for sure!


I am by far no expert, but I would say that DSX has an advantage, since we don’t have a problem until we need to escape on an upstroke, right after the upstroke the hybrid pluck is right there, no extra effort, it almost just catches on the string when you are going in that direction. Plus, I could also do this with my elbow motion - which as I now know is a DSX motion; so I can do it with my Elbow DSX and as well my RDT Wrist DSX. Handy.

This repeating powerchord thing was a good start, I think I did this to death as a Kid when I learned “Sportscar” by Trooper. The same idea applies to “Rising Force” by Yngwie Malmsteen. It’s really quite powerful in my opinion.

  D   U  (M)


D      U      (M)  (Pulloff) Repeat pattern...



Are there any good intros to hybrid picking out there? I’d love to get into it, but suffer from “I can’t concentrate on it because I must be doing this wrong” syndrome.

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Levi Clay does a decent job of discussing the fundamentals.


There’s a huge chunk of material on it in his lesson books on country guitar as well.


I feeling similarly but have been practicing keep same trigger grip for simplicity’s sake and general exploration

Wait a second! I was losing an easy opportunity for shameless self-promotion :slight_smile:

This hybrid tremolo stuff I came up with (or at least, I think I did!) is about a million times easier than the same pattern played with pure alternate:


Sounds similar to what Elliot Smith used to do sometimes. Classical style tremolo on a steel string/electric.

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