Increasing the speed of tremolo picking - please send help

Well it wasnt 30 then :smiley: hahaha.

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The track is beyond amazing, but some of the vibe is from the varispeed being cranked up.

I had my guitar in hand, and one of the notes I could only hit (approximately) by “fretting” the high E string at the middle pickup. It might be at double speed. Of course, there is some overdubbing at playback speed too.

He’s playing off the vibe of the varispeed by making note/scale choices that are clearly already at the top of the guitar range and then pitching those up so that the pitch shift allows an impossible arrangement – beyond cool, in my opinion. Les Paul was an absolute visionary.

“Get Down Tonight,” with the varispeed solo licks, was how many years later?

@Rot @Rob_The_Viking I’d give one of my legs for the tremolo picking you have :slight_smile: I’m simply getting tired very quickly after a few seconds beyond the 180+ range.

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I don’t think one should be going at max speed for longer.
It is best to play whole arrangements at 80-90% of max and only use your actual max for short practice bursts, otherwise you get muscle fatigue and your max drops dramatically.

Ever since I created this topic I managed to get into ~190 range, which is kinda ok, but I’d like to go beyond that.
I don’t have much time to play however, and also don’t play lots of black/death metal recently (with exception of the latest Gojira cover).

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