Is it normal to go through alternating periods of confidence and frustration?

Wow, that is a scary feeling to lose progress! I am happy to hear you are getting somewhere now though :metal:

A couple years back, I felt that exact way you described - that I was putting way too much time into only technique (mostly alternate picking exercises), and not enough into actual music. I started thinking that I am missing out on so many little skills - bending, vibrato, whammy, creative slides, and just overall “feel” from playing something more musical.

I decided to devote 6 months solely to learning difficult songs (huge Petrucci fan so I worked on The Best of Times solo, Under a Glass Moon, Breaking All Illusions etc), and perform zero mindless exercises in this time.

While learning the solos became little mini exercises in themselves, they were at least musical and I added so much to my playing during this time.

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I don’t know if it’s “normal”, but I certainly do :slight_smile:

I hope its somewhat normal because I’m a permanent resident. Looking over the posts here there is some great advice (that I had wished that I had done over the years) and would in turn advise you to try it all. Otherwise you end up in a very bitter place regarding your playing. Trust me - I’m there already and trying to claw my way out. Keep your goals clear but varied.

I know for me, I’m almost never frustrated. I’m never particularly proud of my playing either though lol! but I always enjoy the process. Maybe I am an outlier…

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I would say frustration in general is a normal thing. We all must have felt frustrated over something from time to time. If you haven’t… teach us your secrets!
In general though, it is a state of mind that you can actively try and reduce by controlling your response and behaviour when something isn’t working as you feel it should be.

Mostly frustration really

Here’s a recent anecdote: weeks ago I made a post talking about not being able to play at all. Days, maybe a week ago I updated it (I think) saying things had opened up and that I was able to play some really fast (for me) things. Over the last couple of days it seems like I’ve taken several steps backward and can’t play again: strings feel too light, pick seems ‘wrong’, hand won’t move, etc. I know that this is temporary, but it still sucks a bit.

Lately ive been paying particular attention to when im not playing my best. Usually something on the exterior is negatively affecting my mental state; for instance, feeling rushed, having to practice in a small time window and feeling like i have to squeeze alot in, someone interrupting me, telling me to turn down, etc and etc. basically anything that throws off a good vibe

Edit: also perusing social media and seeing people who may be better than you and it throwing off your vibe

Well today I rage quit my practice session as my playing was horrendous…
I think having ideas in my head like “I should already be able to do this” are recipes for disaster.


I know that feeling.
I suspect it’s common.
Tomo Fujita (who teaches at Berklee College of Music) tells his students three things: Be kind to yourself, Don’t Compare, Don’t Worry, and Don’t Expect Too Fast.

You can even get guitar picks (Pickboy) with these sayings on them. I have a few. What the heck. They’re fine picks but not the size I’m using now.

dont expect too fast
Dont compare

For my two cents:

Question: Is it normal to go through alternating periods of confidence and frustration?

Answer: That is one way to define Life.


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That’s not normal. I feel the exact same emotions about everything, every day.

I am kidding.

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and you wonder why Yngwie has 100s of the same guitar? :sweat_smile: