Is it time for Strumming the Code?

I would really like to know Guthries approach to this technique.
I wonder how many strings is he hitting when playing these 32 notes. And which ones is he targetting.


Reviving this thread, as I would definitely like to see some artist interviews/investigations devoted to the mechanics of strumming. Guthrie Govan is my first choice in this department, along with the other greats mentioned here. And then there is the issue of accenting in strumming, for which, Pinball Wizard is but one example.

Masters in Mechanics began with regularly released artist interviews. I believe there is a lot more out there to cover.

And as far as left hand technique is concerned, I’m much more interested in the mechanics than in mapping strategies, at least as far as it concerns this franchise.

Thanks as always, D

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Absolutely agree with you Mustaine and especially Hetfiled has some devastating downpicking.

One thing I’ve noticed a lot doing index grip vs middle is strumming is so much smoother with the index. I think it’s due to the pick angle, the index has a lot of articulation in pick angle.