Is this Double Escape?

I’m not sure I agree anymore! I feel like with a three finger grip it’s quite easy to do DBX on a single string, or at least, not any harder than doing a single escape motion. I think it may be a little harder to recognise that your doing DBX and not single escape and then the next level of difficulty is maintaining DBX across multiple strings with solid tracking without slipping into single escape.

It makes me think that starting with rolls is a big ask, to me that seems like you would need very high levels of familiarity with DBX so that your not slipping out of it while rapidly changing between three or more different strings. Even high level bluegrass players will choose not to alternate pick their rolls instead :slight_smile:

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I think most would agree. There is no way to test if you even are escaping that way. I’d not recommend that as a starting point

I’m sure I’ve seen Troy say to get it going on one string and then try applying it to rolls and phrases that require DBX. I would just emphasise the part of his advice about getting it going on a single string and trying out lots of mixed escape phrases before going down the roll and 1NPS route (which tends to be what I’ve seen recommended first) as that is the hardest aspect of DBX :slight_smile:

I tried to get fluid rolls happening for almost half a year with very little progress (and I feel like I have a knack for learning new motions!) but after switching to a three finger grip and trying to make the correct motion on a single string and then applying it to fiddle tunes that have no regard for pick escape I got it going quite quickly.

After just focusing on this for a while I came back to my rolls and they are just there without me having to slave away at them! I can feel my wrist moving in a way that it wasn’t before which is very effortless and follows the natural curved path of the pickstrokes :grin:

I think the hardest part is just recognising when you’re doing it right. I was expecting to feel two separate motions but it just feels like one big motion swooping back and forth on a pendulum, almost feels like forearm rotation but only taking place in the wrist. This swooping motion is really visible in Trey Hensley’s technique, really helped me visualise what my wrist should be doing:


Fair enough, my apologies. If it’s working, it’s working! :love_you_gesture:

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