You are better than a complete beginner. She has more randomness than you do, but it’s a spectrum. If you are new to elbow motion it’s perfectly normal to have to learn to be smooth, even, consistent. This is not a simple thing. An expert can play a beautiful tremolo with perfectly even attack for long stretches. That’s not so simple.
One thing is you don’t always need to use the smallest pick on the string, smallest motion, etc. Are you trying to do that, or is that just what happens when you try to use this motion? When you use tiny motions it is easier to miss the string and have dropouts. It’s also harder to have dynamics (loud, soft, fast, slow) because everything becomes super quiet.
At medium speeds you want motions which are relaxed, where you can control the volume level by applying more/less arm force, and by gripping the pick harder or holding it more loosely. Gripping loosely to allow flop can also prevent the pick from grabbing the string so if you feel like you are having garage spikes, you can try that.
If you slow down from this speed, can you make it more relaxed, with louder attack? And by applying a little more force with your arm, but loosening up your grip, can you get a slightly larger picking motion in general? It won’t take much, only a very small change in your arm force and a small change in your grip force to see produce these changes.
See if you can get more control with different combinations of slow and fast, and loud and soft. This all looks pretty good, so only a little experimentation when you have a few minutes here and there should be necessary. Don’t make it your job or play for hours, you’ll burn out.