This is the crux of it right here. You have plenty of ability. From the cheap seats, it just seems like you have a hard time deciding what you want to work on. You really don’t need anyone on your team for this. I generally let the technique and riffs decide that for me. Meaning, I learn a technique, then I tool around and see if I can come up with cool riffs using that technique, and if I can, then I will tend to keep going with that. If I have a steady stream of ideas, I tend not to worry much about whatever other techniques are available.
Obviously, we’re in the business of learning and teaching techniques so I have to keep going through this process with different mechanical things, whether or not I want to. But if we weren’t, I would probably just be writing riffs using some mix of the first couple of techniques we looked at years ago.
TLDR choose something you’re already good at and write some stuff that fits it, and see where it takes you.