First of all - congratulations @tommo on your new addition! With one of ours, I got 30 hours of sleep over 15 days; I hope you do better than that.
Thanks for the Shawn Lane vid. “Fast and sloppy… then clean it up,” says Lane. Hmmm, where I have heard this before? [Another take-away for me - his fretting fingers really high-step on some of those fast runs; maybe we can be less concerned about the strictly precise, micro-movement ‘finger independence’ that is often touted as necessary in the left hand for fast playing…?]
If we’re going to be exacting about this, Lane does seem to suggest first getting a lick or pattern down accurately at a slow speed. Then, jump the tempo way past that (like everyone says here on the Forum), rather than slowly bumping it up. I understand that hitting the gas pedal is important - but ostensibly, so is first having your right and left hand knowing their moves cold.
Okay, I’m gonna try to put that all together: a ‘slow burn’ on one string (each hand around 70 until the pattern’s burned in good) and then put the hands together at 100 and see how that goes.