More Anton Oparin love - what do we know? Any of his students in here?

That is strange, because he has videos on YT in which he tells and shows how he mixes alternate with sweep picking. So he def uses both techniques in the best possible way.

People who try to take on strong personalities like to speak in absolutes whether or not they really do believe in them or in reality do to the contrary, especially if they are trying to sell you on something, be it an ideal, or an online guitar class. I would take it all worth a grain of salt.


this kind of attitude is so asinine. I have no problem if a guitarist has a bit of an attitude, but this holding a particular guitar technique over another is just stupid. very ignorant.

M. Romeo, uses alt. picking, sweeping, tapping, legato, string skipping … all at once, and he has a fantastic, original style… same with Gus G.

But, no, you must only use alternate picking? really?