Here is a more complete explanation as to why I don’t like what is going on, and why Uli did what he did with an inside string change during the fragment.
It is totally valid why he did it to sidestep it not quite working due to the way the finger would be sliding during the fragment, however you can still do the motion but you have to reconfigurate the fingering to do it. Like if I was to use this idea inside a 4s sequence I would encounter this sliding which you can do, but if you need it to be more in line you can just reconfigure fingerings around top example will be with a slide bottom without. I know this Sails of Charon isn’t in 4s, but that slide shift would’ve happened if he didn’t do an inside string change during the upstroke of the fragment.
In red you will have to adjust to a different fingering in the red box with the outlined fingering underlined in red, as well as the box in blue will also change, and the green box represents that pattern you will notice if you keep going down the sequence, those 3 green box fingerings will just repeat but you will do the first fingering group twice.
As I said earlier maybe too quickly this would be possible with rest stroke doing it during a string change except you wouldn’t do an upstroke when changing string. The first initial down stroke in the fragment would be a half rest stroke (think more free stroke) to a pull off or hammer on, then a downstroke string change for a double down maneuver. An upstroke string change as shown in that Uli breakdown of the phrase goes against the grain with my technique, and if you are having speed problems will definitely not help you as you should try to focus more on a one way escape approach first to simplify things.
I sure hope I explained that right as it can be very tedious making sure I didnt screw up the wording on all of this mumbo jumbo.
I also probably should point out that after every downstroke I rest on the string so as the hammer on or pull off occurs i rest the pick on the string below, if on the high e I kind of use the ring finger hitting the wood as the cue that i am at rest. You can clack the wood and rest on the wood if you have to at first, but it would be better to probably start in the middle of the strings so you can actually come to grips with resting on a string during these initially picked legato type fragments.
I am now going to take my analytical cap off and toss it into the garbage disposal.