Pickslanting / three notes per string

Do you know something about the PickSlantingPrimer pack, maybe its a good idea to buy it ?

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I would just buy a Months membership and spend my time consuming every bit of info I could get my hands on. $25 well spent. You will be astounded at what Troy and the team has put together on this website.

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I love those kinda circular patterns. But those kinda patterns are sometimes difficult for people just getting used to 2WPS. I agree with others that you probably should consider the PickSlantingPrimer pack.

After trying PIckslanting for a week , I can say that it‘s a bit easier for me to do upward PS, but what does this mean for me in the future?
For my little run I will start with an downstroke and ups, changing on the B string to do’s, and so on,
In the pickslanting primary, there is a ping pong run, six notes on one string.
Should I start with ups ( upstroke) or dps ( downstroke)?