Serrana Arpeggios

Hey curious if you feel like the tradeoff of any cleanliness gains here vs left hand exhaustion is a good one so far? I’ve found that I’m not entirely sure if I really gain anything as far as clean playing goes with this approach vs really honing in on careful muting when barring - I think if anything it does force you to think about playing more evenly, but I’m wondering at this point if it isn’t just more tiring for the left hand in the case of longer pieces with lots of sweeping. I find my hand is much more fatigued and drops back to not using these fingerings after a while. I think in a sense what’s really cool about working these fingerings though, is how they can be applied to uncommon sweep patterns.

Thinking maybe what I should be doing is learning some actual Jason Richardson pieces with these, so I started on Upside Down, Aviator (solo) and Titan - can’t play them well but it’s interesting thinking through them using his fingerings, it definitely opens up different runs I wouldn’t have thought of without them.