Share Your Teemu Picking

That’s correct, but if @Lukhas got something of it, that’s cool too and we’ll call it a two-fer. :smiley:

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…Just hanging out, jamming with Teemu today. You guys know how I do. :wink::wink:

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I tried to learn a few bars and while I can here that his “DUDDUD” motions gives it a certain feel, I don’t see myself using that kind of picking pattern in any other situation. I’d just stick with all downstrokes

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It’s a S.O.B. this picking stuff. lol.

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You are progressing :+1::+1::+1:. The sound is very modern, Teemu like. What are you using?

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Hey, thanks! I’m using vsts through cheap logitech pc speakers.


:no_mouth:… but sounds good on my cell phone :+1:

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It does sound good @Groff

You can get a real good tone by running something like Bias through a computer. There’s Helix Native that a lot of guys are messing with. There are quite a few amp/effects vsts out there. You got to fine-tune your tone in on all of them. Took me a little while to dial mine in.


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