Tiago della Vega - faker, unfortunately. The contest video isn’t sped up but the audio was clearly overdubbed and does not in any way match the hand movements. Count the picking motions in any live performance, it’s always the giveaway. There’s a clip of him on a live Mexican television show that is not faked, and it is horrendous. Sadly, I think the guy probably does have actual skills, and if he just wrote cool tunes and played them cleanly at 210bpm or whatever, it would all be fine.
Counting the motions was what led us to @milehighshred. He wasn’t faking anything, and now that I’ve gotten to know him it clearly isn’t his style anyway. He may not have been hitting the tempos he thought he was hitting at the time, but of everyone we looked at who did these “world record” videos, he was actually moving the fastest. Ironically, he was probably the world’s fastest of all those attempts, even though he thought he was, then wasn’t, but actually was!