Simple Repeater Lick


You know, that’s what I thought. There’s a lot in that solo that sounds spontaneously on the spot and or grafted in, or spliced from multiple takes, and it sounds like he’s just kind of going for it trying to line it up the best he can. You know one thing to keep in mind is that they also used to time correct things even back then too, except of making precise cut and time stretch correction edits digitally they were cutting tape, so it was harder then in your typical daw, but it was still practiced even back then. so it’s kind of like, “well, no shit, a difficult transition seems smooth from phrase to phrase, and he’s playing something that’s mechanically difficult multiple times in a row with out loosing steam and dropping tempo, if all your hearing is all the best parts of it”.

So I think a lot of people could be easier on themselves if they can’t quite nail their favorite solo exactly like the original, or find the transitions from phrase to phrase difficult, because you often see the original performers live not quite do it exactly like they recorded it more often than not, they have the same hurdles as all of us, especially if the player is more on the organic idiosyncratic side, instead of always calculating.

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This is a really good point.

This reminds me about I thread I started on here about Eric Johnson’s Trademark solo that I’ve been working on for WAY too long. I ended up coming to a similar conclusion. Sometimes if something is just so awkward, and the studio recording is the only evidence we have of that player doing it like that…why do we (cough cough myself) beat ourselves up so badly to reproduce the recording?

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I find that playing RR solos is challenging, but manageable and enjoyable, because there are gaps between the fast phrases and runs to let my hands and fingers recover :slight_smile:

A lot of his solos are like showcases of lots of different techiques and phrases they’re very good to study if you are learning how to shred.

I came to the same conclusion with a lot of Vai stuff that I’ve tried for years to replicate. I just cant do it how it’s played on the record, for example those fast multi string tapping sequences he does seem to have some spontaneous phrasing that is hard to replicate at that speed.

Instead I try to do it the best I can trying to hit most of the right notes to get the “feel” but note for note it’s impossible sometimes to do it.

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