Strat-sized pickups can be H or S, I didn't know that

Scott Henderson’s signature Suhr has a dummy coil hidden under the pickguard and it sounds like a dream. That’s a really elegant solution to noise, imho.

Also, I have an Air Norton installed on the bridge position of my Strat and I love it. It is wired in parallel and I think it fits my HSS configuration better that way.


Yup. I have a Seymore Duncan STK-10 in the bridge of one of my Stratocasters on a coil split. I like it but it isn’t high out put like a SD Distortion pickup or EVH Frankenstein etc. The hum cancelling effect is there and it is nice though…the YJM Fury pickups are really nice

Yeah that’s the Suhr solution I was referring to.

@kgk - it’ll probably be a while, in the next two months I’m having a daughter, my first, buying a house, and selling a condo, most likely in that order but god only knows with those things. I’ll be house poor for a while, and time poor for even longer than that. :laughing:

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Good for you! Housing in MA is expensive, although probably not as bad if you go further west or maybe north. The GF and I always dither about trying to get some place out a bit, but quickly reconsider because we like the city and quite honestly being responsible physically, financially or both for any additional home repairs and costs seems a little too daunting. Much easier to call the old wheezing Irish landlord up and have him do all that.

So, the daughter came early, maybe a week after this post, and we learned she was likely to come early right around this time, so I’m still digging myself out. :laughing:

I think being able to make home problems your landlord’s problem is one of the most underappreciated aspects of NOT owning your own home, and yeah, I miss that. I remember buying my condo five days before knee surgery back in 2013, and one month later having a kitchen sink clog that ultimately necessitated a plumber (long story, it involved a lot of dental floss from a prior owner, I’m not quite as inept as this makes it sound), and trying to troubleshoot a clogged kitchen sink with my knee in a full immobilization brace really made me miss my old landlord (who was indeed irish, and defied all the shitty slumlord stereotypes by being a pretty decent guy, and being pretty responsive for us because he also knew we generally took care of the place, and mowed our own lawn/trimmed our own hedges/that kind of stuff).

The new place IS amazing, though and the back yard has a patio with a kitchen counter and built in Big Green Egg smoker that I’ve been using the shit out of the last week or so. \m/

Was his name John? Mine is a pretty decent guy too. He likes us because we aren’t half the the trouble as all his other tenants in the other properties he owns, and yeah pretty responsive to us.

I have a gas smoker that I put in the bed of my truck on the street to smoke because I can’t really have flames within x feet of the house. Pretty red neck thing to do, but it works. Although haven’t had the time or patience to use it last summer. May try to use it once this year before the summer is over.

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I mean, we’re talking Irish landlords so the odds are not as long as they might seem… but yes. :laughing: Kearns? Runs a painting company as his primary job, which helps when it becomes time to renovate properties? That’d be funny if true, but if so, hey, he was a good guy, right on.