The Amazing Wim Den Herder

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If you’re not following our Instagram account, then you may not have seen these two awesome clips of Wim that we posted this week and last week. And if you’re not following our Instagram account, then why not? Man, you’re missing out.

Here’s a clip from Wim’s booty-shaking tune “Wimpicking”, with his signature interlocking bass and lead parts played on a single guitar. It’s great, and it’s a great example of his compositional style:

And here’s a closeup of Wim’s two-way pickslanting economy picking form as we talk about used different positions to generate ideas of improvisation:

Great conversation with a guy whose interests in motor learning and practice, improvisation, and instrument technique are totally up our alley. It was great to finally meet him.

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Because why would we want/need to stray from Troy
Thanks for posting these, I would not have seen them otherwise… other than this forum (and YT) I tend not to darken the door of other social media outlets!

The real reason Instagram is a good outlet to have is that really short clips and excerpts of things don’t do well on YouTube. In fact, the audience there tends to get a little annoyed when you post things like that.

By contrast, Instagram exists precisely for that. It just wants to know what’s going on with you in small doses. It’s perfect for the little things we find while editing: behind the scenes stuff, technical explainers, and so on.

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Thanks for replying, totally get that the YT audience are a fickle and petty bunch at the best of times. I hope you get the reaction and traction you are looking for. :blush:

I saw this on Insta, he’s amazing. I thought he was using a looper to play all those lines at once. Really incredible playing.

Honestly our YT audience is great. We originally assumed it was the bathroom wall of the internet, but pretty much as soon as we started putting stuff up there back in 2014 or whenever, we were surprised at how receptive and positive the comments were. They just have a different thing they’re looking for, longer view type stuff that they can put on in the background or watch on a lunch break.

Instagram is for waiting in line at the checkout and you just need to scroll past something to stop the boredom. I get it, I do.

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