The worst guitar advice ever: “small movements are fast”

I’m not really a speedster, but when it comes to playing >200 bpm, I try to get the maximum linear movement with the minimal muscle movement. So I tend to rely on elbow + a raised wrist, so that the forearm rotation has the most effect on the linear speed of the pick.

This is pretty similar to MAB’s form, but I still do have remnants of my slower form, and I don’t lock my fingers.

That’s about as fast as i can go.

I still believe some people have this extra thing going on ( whatever that is) to make these ultra fast motions.
How hard we “nomal” humans try, we will never get this ultra high speed going on.

A friend of mine can do this ultra fast motion pushing u button.
We tested this with pushing the button on an old sampler. He could do it ultra fast, and how hard i tried (even after practicing for months) i just could not come even close to his speed.
Also on the guitar on a single string with no left hand fingerings he can reach speeds almost twice as fast as me.

Inplay for over 30 years now and my max speed on a single string is the same as when i started. Only thing that has developed is keeping time and crossing strings faster.

What you say makes perfect sense. The interesting question is if your friend, if hooked up to instrumentation, looks “different” that you, and if that difference can be learned or is intrinsic to his musculature or nervous system.

I recall in one Olympics there was a sprinter so fast off the blocks (reacting to the gunshot) that they thought that he was cheating, so they tested, and he was just faster.

A metronome at 200bpm gives 13.3 sixteenth notes per second, so the upper bound on flip time is 75ms, not a lot of time.

200 ist my max on a single string, if I am warmed up.
I can’t do it long though. The movements are very small with very little force using a downward pickslant.
So I do believe smaller motions are necessary to reach these kind of speeds where you also still can control the time. Also I use very little force.

Yeah, that is the question. Can one learn to find the pathways to get those ultra fast movements.
I would have to say no, because I tried and tried and tried… with 0 result.
And my friend could not teach me. He just doesn’t know what he is doing different. To him it is just the same as I do, making fast movements.

Look here from 1:22.
My friend can almost reach that same speed.
How he does it he just can’t explain.

Whew…hey ya’ll, im Dutch. ya know ive been watching Troys stuff on youtube for a couple yrs. now and really have gotton a great deal from his lessons, so I finally decided to join the group and check it out…Whoa, lmao…looks like im way outta my league. 200 bpm 16ths. thats awesome stuff but seriously Im thinkin I havnt used my dictionary this much in yrs. lol. is this thread like the normal way of talking on here? no not that its bad at all, heck I even learned a bunch of new words…lol. anyhow, thanx for the insights I get from all of your comments I can use them. just wanted to introduce myself, I probley wont comment often but im listening…have a Great new year and agine, thanx…Dutch.