But it’s still a synchronization problem, just a different one.
I thought this comment was pretty interesting, because it perfectly describes my left hand. Chunking has always been easy for me, but I’ve had a good sense of rhythm long before I ever picked up guitar so maybe that’s why.
However, getting the notes within the chunk to line up? That’s where I struggle, which seems to be opposite of the norm.
In particular, I’m awful at descending phrases like a chromatic 4321 or other variants. As I get faster, my fingers just mindlessly flop on the string and they won’t do their job correctly. I can hit each quarter note beat perfectly in time and keep my right hand perfectly in time no problem, but the rest of the notes are a blur. Currently, I’m at around 95bpm with 16th notes but actively working on it.
Given that, I’d absolutely use the phrase “My fretting hand can’t keep up with my picking hand”, which is hilarious since 6 months ago I’d be saying the opposite.