Wrong reply, my mistake
I feel like this thread got slightly derailed halfway through but the point was more to make a few observations for the forum. I figure that’s what we are about here, the more intellectualized approach to guitar practice.
If anyone finds this post through a search function, I noticed the following over the past few days after switching exclusively to plugged in clean or hi-gain practice:
More effortlessness in playing (biggest observable change)
- Less time to warm up (5 minutes or so to reach top playing abilities)
- Better control of dynamics, more even pick tone across clean and hi-gain channels
- Extreme reduction in extraneous string noise, if I had to hazard a guess, around 75% reduction
What did I do before switching to plugged in practice?
I would say 90% of the time I was unplugged in front of my computer before work or late at night watching YouTube videos and running sequences or licks over and over again for about 40 minutes, then a break (10-30 minutes), then repeat.
What happened to my technique while doing this?
I recorded quite a few video clips and one interesting thing is that my typical DWPS/TWPS stuff involved a little more elbow movement, though it was still primarily rotational.
My theory is that that the brain applies more force to the fretting and picking hands to generate a louder sound. On the rare occasions I would plug into my monitors, I would notice my fretting hand pressing the notes a bit out of tune. One distinct thing that massively stuck out was how much easier and relaxed things felt after adjusting to the amplified sound. As ridiculous as it sounds, it only occurred to me in the past few days why that might be.
Example: Pepsi Lick
I had been practicing the Pepsi Lick unplugged throughout August and September, over and over and over again. I got it so fast as to be sitting around 145-150 on my best days. This was the strangest part - throughout the past week after plugging in, my abilities dropped down to about 120-130, where they are consistently at. I have no explanation except for a possible slight change in technique that my body is working through to build back up with the appropriate amount of force necessary to hit those extreme speeds.
I will try to post a clip once I get the Pepsi Lick sorted. I’m not sure how long this will take me, but it’s pretty mindblowing how different I feel with the instrument since Tuesday when I started this more deliberate regime. There’s this argument in the guitar technique world where people say big change tends to take time, speed takes time to develop, etc but the more I learn the more I am convinced that this couldn’t be further from the truth. If you’re on the right path, you should start seeing results more or less immediately.