When do you (personally) choose to alt pick vs economy?

I have started to analyze Yngwies solo sections more in detail, and this is what i find him doing alot. Legato phrase 2,4,2,1,2,1 and the other fingers version 3,4,3,1,3,1 using the index middle and ring. This is so he can gain back picking strength for more bursting ascended economy down up down down up down or down up pull off during descending inside his little mixed minor box shape. So really if you arent going to flamenco, even they use a descended form of picado economy, you should be figuring out directional economy picking. utilizing plucks or down up pull off during descending cross string madness, or up down up up down up if its a pure 3 note per string scale descended run. Otherwise pure alternate picking is left for the single string line stuff, or also for outside picking 2 string tetrachord pattern style runs ala paul gilbert exercise.

And really it’s what your genetics can do the fastest so I would look at it from all angles. If you aren’t playing it fast enough try something different.

Because believe it or not I can play this basic descended harmonic minor with this wierd picking pattern the fastest even though it has an inside stroke. I believe I can do it because it is so close to the low end strings that my wrist has this tendency to tilt the other way cause of the prior descended economy I have going that is slightly tilting my wrist into an upward pick slant, plus it is one inside stroke so it doesn’t tire me out.

but it feels amazing when alt. picking. That machine gun MAB sound.
Love it
Serotonin level spike for hours.

When I want something to be very rhythmically regular I alt pick. There’s a downside to this because it can start to sound like a quantified midi track which is wearying to the ear.

Sweeping has a more flowing, loose, slurred, rhythmic feel. It can be more vocal, or horn like.

And tonally- a rotation based mechanic sounds different for me, more bass followed by that upper harmonic bloom. I can’t get EJ, or Yngwie, or Bonamossa’s tone out of a DBX movement.

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Isn’t Bonamossa DBX though (or at least mixed escape)? I am not super familiar with his playing. My brief exposure (and a few things I have read on here) lead me to believe compared to EJ and Yngwie he has more of that rhythmic hard sound. I think it is because he alt picks and doesn’t do economy.

Have any clips to compare? I often go for an EJ tone, and I use DBX.

You can hear Andy alternate EJ lines here and it sounds great, but the picking sounds different.

About Bonamossa, I could have sworn he does economy some of the time but I don’t know for sure.