Working on my new motion, succes and problems

A week ago or so I finally started my adventure with picking the right way. Beforehand I was so drawn into trying to USX my fast passages that I didn’t take time to actually see that DSX elbow motion is more natural for me.
Since then I’ve been working on some patterns that I would like to show you and get your feedback on it.
The first pattern that doesn’t use strictly DSX (but is fully swipable) was this 6 note grouping:


I’ve also tried doing the Paul Gilbert excercise but I think I still have problems with the muting, because sometimes I have clean takes and sometimes it’s just a mess.

My biggest nemesis so far is the pepsi lick. I can play it OK’ish in the version when you start on the lower string but I can’t grasp it starting on on the high E. It all falls apart.
Here is the ascending version, although it is quite slow.

I don’t know how I should approach playing it from the E to the B string. It seems that it requires changing pickslant in the middle.
I would love to hear your feedback.

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I think you’re WAY ahead of the curve with this attitude, and your clips show it. While I think you could probably push it even faster, your playing in the first 2 videos is smooth looking to me. The only way to get it faster is to…play faster :slight_smile: The elbow is capable of some crazy fast speeds, so don’t be afraid to let loose!

You don’t need to change the slant, you just need a secondary motion to help with the part that needs to escape on the upstroke. Have you read this yet?

Overall, I’d say great work! I think you’re on the path to driving the Lamborghini!

I promise I don’t secretly work for him, but I always plug Tom Gilroy’s work on efficient fretting patterns. You’ll need these if you plan on playing even faster for sustained passages:


Thanks for your respone!
The more I ask on the forum the more I realize that I really should study pickslanting primer from top to bottom. I’ll do so now to don’t bother forum users anymore with stuff that was already explained, so sorry for that. I somehow missed this page about secondary motion.
I have watched first two videos of EDC so far and I still haven’t found the time to watch the rest but I will certainly will!

Aw please don’t feel like that. This place is full of people that enjoy being able to steer someone in the right direction. I don’t say that with any sense of superiority as I’m very much a student of all this myself. It’s no fault of Troy’s (this is a very dense subject) but there is a TON of content on the site and it does change as he and his team uncover new findings. It’s easy to miss things.

If I may, as you’re going through that, the thing to keep at the forefront is the idea that there are 2 (and exactly 2) cycles of fretting hand finger usage that are maximally efficient:

  • index -> middle -> ring (and the reverse); AND
  • index -> middle -> pinky (and the reverse)

This gives each finger the greatest time to prepare for its next usage while taking advantage of anatomical implications. It was used in all of Shawn Lanes fastest playing. Any other combination of finger movements would have inhibited Shawn when he played at these speeds. It’s great news for all of us! Just like string hopping puts a limit on our picking hand, certain fretting finger choices can limit our left hand. Being aware makes the path forward much less daunting as almost everyone without some physical or genetic disability can achieve very fast speeds.

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