Hello. This is my first ever USX #technique-critique video. I am playing a lick from the Volcano Seminar. The lick I am playing is the “Volcano Pattern”, although I am playing it in a different key and position on the fretboard.
What I would like feedback on
In general, what do you think of the playing here? What can I do to improve this lick? What would be good to work on to get into playing more USX phrases? What do you think my next steps would be for improving my picking technique? I have quite a few DSX phrases in the tool box at this point. Maybe it would be beneficial to work more on mixed escape and DBX phrases?
The lick is only played at 100 bpm, six notes to the click, in this video. In the seminar Troy is probably playing the lick closer to 130 bpm if it is subdivided into six notes per click. When I try to speed the lick up, it starts to get sloppy and the notes don’t sound as good. Any ideas for improving the speed of this lick without the accuracy going out the window?