Your favorite video game music that were so good you had to learn the melodies and phrases

There is a remake of SH2 coming, along with several other SH games. Team Silent is long gone, of course, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed that this will be good.

But yes, I agree that they’re the best horror games. I distinctly remember my first encounter with Pyramid Head - total WTF nightmare fuel. haha


Bionic Commando (PAL) on the Commodore 64. Especially Stage 2 and 4.


It’s the second line there in both games:

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Eh, best I could do, quickly as possible.

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If Konami does good with the SH2 and MGS3 remakes I might forgive them for Silent Hills…


I’ll have to pick up a new console for this. I’m also keen to play Alan Wake 2. Loved the first one, which was about ten years back!


This is probably my favorite metal tune from any game, Kevin Sherwood’s djenty Pareidolia from an old COD zombies map. Really great chorus, love the progression.


The original one from COD: WAW is still my favorite and her vocal delivery reminds me of Cristina Scabbia from Lacuna Coil.
That riff has pure horror move a la Tubular Bells in the Exorcist or Halloween theme vibes.


Same game, I love onimusha, Part of my childhood. I can’t play waterfall mountain, wish I could.

I think you need a 7 string for this arpeggio. I still play it even if I can’t as I’ve only six strings.


The song that goes with everything:

Also, the entire Castlevania: Symphony of the Night OST is a masterpiece IMHO:


Game music that’s so good you learn it? Count me in! CS:GO has some epic tracks that get you in the zone, don’t they? Speaking of epicness, discovering game music that sticks with you is amazing.

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I’m not a big gamer - I’ve played a couple here and there over the years (always liked the Diablo series, I’m bummed the newest isn’t out on Mac, but honestly I don’t have the time for it anyway) and I suppose while I’m thinking of it I technicallu did work out the Tristram theme at some point, simply because it is a cool set of chords.

But, not only did I learn how to play this after first hearing the theme song, I immediately bought the damned game. :rofl:

“if at first you don’t succeed… you fail.”


Tristram theme 4 life!

There’s a moment in Diablo IV where the OG theme is used, and it took me right back to being a teen again. lol It was great!

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Going old school. This is just incidental music from one of the main areas in the game, but it’s so satisfying when that D/F# hits.

Another from childhood - I made a full arrangement of this long ago.


I just remembered this absolutely beautiful theme from Icewind Dale 2 that I transcribed years ago because I loved it so much.


I know I said I would leave up the discovery of the TurboGrafx-CD/PC Engine CD audio tracks to you guys, but this one is for the Yngwie J. Malmsteen fans.

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Yup, especially the Castlevania GOAT:

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I’m surprised nobody has posted him already, so I think I need to put this right (you’re all welcome):

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Love it! Brings back memories of my thumb being rubbed raw trying to do “Hadouken”, “Shuryuken” and damn near impossible “Tatsumaki Senpukyaku”

I was always way better at Guile and M Bison’s special moves…

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Here’s two from two games I probably should have been playing at the time

The Getaway - Main Menu Theme

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - Opening Credits

Vice City came out in 2002 when I was thirteen, and the in-game soundtrack was awesome. VROCK was my first exposure to a lot of '80s rock and metal bands, and the first place I heard Steve Vai’s guitar playing.

I also really loved the Main Theme from L.A. Noire

and this short piano piece from Heavy Rain