3nps ascending problems

Right, Tommo wants to confirm the escape you’re making. If you play this with pure alternate picking:

It will flow naturally on the chance that you’re actually making a DSX movement, because the string changes will all happen after down strokes. If it’s an all out failure, you’re probably really doing USX and therefore, this will flow much more naturally for you:

Both are to played pure alternate picking, starting on a down stroke. Think of it as a sanity check!

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Gee, I don’t know if I can alternate pick! :open_mouth: I mean, all I’ve ever done is the cascade and volcano seminars. Ex2 is way easier, as such

Lol! If you can play Ex 2 you can definitely alt pick :slight_smile: That sounds to me like your pick is doing USX. Your likely using USX when playing Ex 1 and either getting stuck or trying to hop to compensate. That’s a scenario that would make anyone feel like they can’t alternate pick strictly.

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Is it a major scale above 180bpm?? Amazing!

The pattern is just a non musical exercise that pertains loosely to two scales from Blitzkrieg. Basically a 1,3,4 and then 1,3,5 pattern across five strings.

It’s freaking fast! I mean a lot of people can’t even tremolo at that speed.
I tried to sped up my economy picking for 3nps but it stuck somewhere about 120bpm. My alternate picking is faster (and more messy) but I want to nail this Yngwie approach.

Thanks! I must say, posting all this stuff was hard. I’m not much for going public. And this struggle over one silly part of one song has me bummed out. But the guys here have been helpful.

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Ok cool, that may mean you are indeed doing USX picking. A slo-mo close up of your fast tremolo could give us further confirmation.

I think your playing is already great! Not many people can play that fast. You are already an advanced player, which means it’s challenging for all of us to spot the tiny details that may be holding you back to get this lick to 100%

So, I think the challenge now is to figure out what kind of mistakes (if any!) are happening when you play the lick at full speed. Is it hand sync? Is it a repeated note? Is it that you think you are sweeping when you are in fact alternating? Once we know the path may become clearer!

One suggestion could be to try and play 5-6-7 on each string, ascending all 6 strings, using the Yngwie system (DUD - DUD etc.). Try and film that in both slow motion and normal speed, and let’s take a look.

That is basically the same as the Yngwie lick you are practicing, but we have simplified the left hand (and made it less musical unfortunately)! but this 5-6-7 on each string is a sound we are all familiar with, and it’s much easier to avoid fretting errors, so it’ll be easier in the video to check if all the pickstrokes are happening at the right time, etc.!

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I have one I made the other day of ex2 ready to go.


Thank you for filming this! Great angle and lighting.

Very interesting! Watch in 0.25 slow motion - it seems to me that this is not USX, but possibly a very flat DSX that occasionally does not escape enough to avoid the higher string: notice that you are actually moving to the next string before you have finished picking the 6 notes on the previous string!

Do you see the same?

I’m a bit confused too as the audio seems to lag behind the video slightly. I’ll try and do another. I’m fairly certain I’m doing USX most of the time but history has shown some strange things happening at speed for me. Not sure if it’s always that way or just late in the day when I’m tired and sloppy.

No problem, and of course I could be wrong! It could also be a very flat USX where you change to the next string one note too early and catch the muted string on your way. Or it could be something else :slight_smile:

If your phone has a “slow motion” mode use it, and watch back maybe at 1/8 speed (making sure audio and video are in sync, so you can really compare what you see & hear)

PS: and just to clarify, we are doing high level nitpicking here. Your playing is great, and when we reach a better understanding of what you are actually doing you’ll be even more powerful :slight_smile:


2 cents from the peanut gallery (I haven’t viewed the latest clips yet) but I noticed from the Technique critique that I did a while back that whenever I viewed .25 speed in the YT player that I was pretty certain the audio and video drifted. That was one of the reasons I had to send things to Troy so he could sync it up in his video editing software.

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Yes, I believe you are correct. I’m currently trying to shoot in slow mo mode on the iPhone and upload it already slowed down to see if that works better.

So here’s one at moderate speed using iPhone Slo mo so it’s already slowed down and apparently synced. This shows nothing other than I am starting with USX. Standby for the floored version. It will be a train wreck lol!

Interesting plot twist… I don’t think it does :wink: Notice how the end of the pickstroke is curved, almost as if you are about to escape on the downstroke. And notice how on the upstroke string change the motion trajectory looks significantly different - to my eyes at least!

EDIT: maybe this does not happen on all downstrokes, but quite a few of them defo look curved to me.

Nothing wrong with curved pickstrokes of course! But it’s important to notice that this is not the simple, “linear” USX you were perhaps expecting to do.

It looks like this motion may even allow for one-note-per-string phrases, because of its curved nature on both ends. Worth a shot when you have time!

Again…please double check all I’m saying by rewatching a few times!

Looking forward to the floored version :slight_smile:

Okay, here’s a floored one, warts and all.

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Ha this looks great! I counted 6 pickstrokes on each string with proper upstroke escapes! Only the low e had 5, maybe you hammered the last note.

Still, I wouldn’t say this is warty :slight_smile:

Thanks! Seems the curves straighten out when floored eh? Weird… maybe the curves on moderate are exaggerations.

Wow! This is great! The cool thing is that, although the pick seems to be double trapped during the pick strokes of each string (you can see that the pick occasionally rest strokes both on down and upstrokes), you manage to do completely clean string changes every time.
First I would even say that the strokes had more of e DSX lean to it so maybe you could even do fast string changes after downstrokes too.

Anyway, your body seems to feel things out perfectly when it comes to this playing style and I think you could do great this with this level of alternate picking now that you are more aware.