3nps ascending problems

So, I continue to struggle with the Blitzkrieg intro. I thought it might be helpful to look at pure 3nps ascending for problems. Maybe something will stand out here that I can apply to the train wreck that is the Blitzkrieg intro.

On my best days with Blitzkrieg, I often double up on the first note (sync issue) as there’s a strong “start and stop on a dime” flavour to those runs. Somehow that never seems to happen when I know I’m going to be doing pure 3nps across several strings.

Anyhow, thanks for looking!

Both look great to me. Second one sounds like a slight hand sync issue. Likely due to “red light syndrome” and subconsciously or consciously reflecting on what you had just played.

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Thanks! Looking at it now the whole thing seems sorta elbow heavy but I guess that’s the tracking(?)

Right. I was running into issues by trying to do USX but others noticed that my elbow was actually driving the motion. That created a deceptive issue. The posture can look just like USX but really be DSX. I feel like on ascending economy stuff like this, you could probably get away with it. Just something to watch out for, not saying that’s what you’re doing (but it does look like your elbow is doing more than just tracking to me…I could be wrong!)

Overall it doesn’t sound bad or anything. Maybe try some chunking stuff to work out any hand sync? Like, play 3 notes, then just the first note on the next string. Keep doing that and add a note until you’re doing a 6 note chunk. Then loop the 6 note chunk to make sure it’s always smooth, then get back to your entire pattern and see if it smooths out some? I like it though, it sounds nice and aggressive!


No, I agree with @joebegly, this is elbow motion. As in, you’re using your elbow to pick!

This will require some adjustments for it to work with USX material. It’s hard to tell from the video but it is probably the reason why you’re experiencing dropped notes and synch issues

Out of curiosity, what motion were you going for?

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What picking strategy are you going for on these scales? Alternate picking or Yngwie style economy?

I ask since I know you worked on economy on this song before, but the scales in this video are purely alternate picked. It’s a very aggressive sounding attack you’ve got. The pick-finger sync that you’ve worked on, seems perfect on the first scale, but there is still something mushy (sorry for being super frank) about it that I can’t get my head around. I have a feeling there are a lot of swipes in there. And that’s not a problem at all per se, but I feel you could maybe get it even cleaner if you got aware of where they occur.

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Thanks for the feedback! Definitely going for upwards escape Yngwie style sweeps here

Thanks! Still going for Yngwie style economy. But clearly something changes for me when I shoot for the stars speed-wise. The aggressive attack comes from the change that occurs at speed, too, I think. I think I’m switching to something else because I can’t do the wrist motion for Yngwie style economy fast enough.

I’m gonna go and record something with proper ascending economy and see where it falls speed-wise. I’ll also consciously do away with the elbow motion.

Okay, here’s a quick, un-amplified take. I’m going slower by necessity. See, this is where the “start with speed” thing screws me up a bit. Because it seems if this motion is right and I can only do it so fast then I should try and slowly ramp this motion up(?).

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Ok cool! So this looks perfect!

I don’t know if I got this wrong, but I think the Troy signature “start with speed” is great to use when the challenge is to finding a FAST, usable alternating motion mechanic for the right hand.

With economy picking, on the other hand, the challenge is not about a speedy picking hand, but much more about “feel” and the ability to get an even rhythm although the picking hand isn’t really having the same rhythm as the fretting hand. In this way, economy is much more delicate and complex and to me, “starting with speed” isn’t the best way of getting the feel for the technique. I would recommend working on what you’ve got here in the last video and focus on getting an even rhythm with the picking hand. You can even practise the picking hand alone with the strings muted by the fretting hand. This is very revealing and very hard but highlights what is the biggest weakness in ones playing.


That said, you also have a great foundation for alternate picking. It you’re natural tendency is to wanna pick fast, then maybe you should look into your alternate picking more. See what is your strength is.


Thanks for this! I realize now the top video is a manifestation of trying to go as fast as I can. But clearly I was prioritizing the speed over maintaining the picking regime. I’m gonna keep working the second video, metronome style, perhaps. Ugh, it’s so difficult to go public with one’s shortcomings. I thank you guys for the gentle replies.

So, here I am at full speed again, for better or worse. Elbow still moves but I think it’s just tracking now. There’s definitely more wrist driving the picking. Is it all wrist? Not sure… Should it not move at all and tracking should be just with the wrist?

I think this is a great point. Old habits die hard.

I watched the last clip at quarter speed; on the DD string change, there is a slight escape action. So to me, that means at speed you are not 100% economy picking it. I guess you have two weeks of drilling to do; do a few focused 18-minute sessions a day and only expect baked improvements the next day.

Hey @tommo could I get your opinion on all this? :slight_smile:

Hey @s_linste! All these attempts look like a great foundation to me - the speed is definitely there :slight_smile:

Like @qwertygitarr I think I am hearing some slight sync issues, and had also the impression of hearing a couple of repeated notes. I have tried to watch your videos in 25% slow motion and to count the pickstrokes, but the video gets a bit choppy.

Do you know if your phone can film in 60fps or even 120fps? Or if it has a slow motion mode? would be great to have a proper slow motion video to look at, possibly where we can see both pick and strings clearly.

Taking one step back, I think it would be useful to determine if you are actually doing USX when you go super fast. One way to test this could be to film a few seconds of tremolo picking with a “down the strings” perspective (see link below).

another partial test is to try these two exercises, starting on a downstroke and going as fast as you can. which one feels better/easier?


A--------5-6-7-5-6-7--- (continue  with 5-6-7-5-6-7 on all strings)
E -5-6-7-------


A--------------5-6-7-5-6-7--- (continue  with 5-6-7-5-6-7 on all strings)
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Thanks, Tommo! Here’s one at moderate speed. I’ll shoot another one right now at full blast.

This is great playing! Looking only at your picking, this is a perfectly executed run with great distinct strokes and great rhythm. I can hear a few small sync problems where the fretting hand is hitting notes a bit faster that you picking hand, but nothing major.

When going further, don’t jump directly to hyper speed, this will just get you to the same routine that you already practised where it’s more alternate picking then correct economy strokes. Instead, work slowly from here, always making sure the picking is correct and the sync is right. This will also (hopefully) keep you relaxed.

I know this method is contrary to the general Troy “speed” way, but I’m pretty sure Troy and Tommo would give the same advise when it comes to this.

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I think you are better qualified than me on the Yngwie system :slight_smile:

I realised I was not fully clear about ex1 and ex2 above: for the test they should be both played with alternate picking. The aim is to try and determine by feel whether @s_linste’s “fifth gear” is actually usx or dsx

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Hmmm, so in the first example I am not to sweep two down strokes going from E to A?