Hi y’all!
I’ve been really digging this site and the extraordinary material available regarding picking technique.
Need help to develop more general speed as I tend to get tensed up in shoulders and neck after practicing hard on technique. I will attach 4 different very short videos where I play some technical stuff from this site - the cascades of 5, Ardeshirs sixes and I will also post a video of my fastest tremolo on one string. I can feel that my pick motion switches rather naturally if I play DPS, instead of my normal more 0 degree kind of picking. When DPS I use 3 fingers on the pick to try to get that angle right, instead of 2 which I play anything else with. That just happens to feel natural to me.
So first here is my tremolo:
Here is some Ardeshirs sixes:
Cascades of 5:
I find it difficult to reach that high tempo where you can’t hear the 5 note pattern, but maybe it just needs time. Any tips and critique is much appreciated!
Here im trying to play first some lines with 0 degree kind of pick, and mixing in some cascades of 5 where I try to tilt the pick:
Distortion is of course really nice on some of this, but I just wanted to show you guys clean what is happening.
Any tips, advices and critique are much appreciated! Hope the video angle is okay, I know it’s not perfectly easy to see exactly what happens. I uploaded to YouTube so it should be possible to play in slower tempos as well.
Best Wishes / Mathias Bøttern