AI and you're music posted online

AI isn’t quite “AI” just yet though is it? It’s more of a composited kind of “mashup” right?
Automated algorithm that is really, at the end of the day, almost a legalized plagiarism.

That’s my opinion on it, and I know a lot of people that are “creating” a bunch of music based on text input are coming up with some stuff that’s interesting. It almost always sounds like a homogenized and over harmonized “Fallout Boy” knockoff. Once I hear 4 or 5 “AI” tunes my ear becomes fatigued. There’s a combination of something there, and something “not” there that makes it sound kind of fake. Powdered milk vs the real thing…

The thing about art is that it’s just as much about what a human being can’t do as much as what they can do in respect to technique.
Our technical limitations force interesting solutions that then really define a style.

I think as a creative, or collaborative partner AI is extremely powerful, and immediately useful to “real” artists.

But I suspect it will first be used as a crutch, and then entirely a “magic button” situation…

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Haven’t seen this yet, but betting it’s social media!

(It was social media!)

I totally agree There is a sterile “sameness” to all the AI music I have heard. I listened to a version of “My Life” but done with Paul McCartney’s voice with AI and, Yeah - it sounded like Paul McCartney but I’ve heard enough of his music to make the assumption that he wouldn’t have have covered it in that way. I thought (if he actually covered it) he might have sang it more like he sang “Maybe I’m Amazed” or “My Love”.

The version just sounded like someone who sounds like Paul McCartney.

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If they had done what I mentioned in the first post ( showed it what a Staff is and what a note is and then taught it music theory etc) and then gave it access to Amp Sims, Drum samples, Vocals samples done by contributors etc) Then you might be able to make an argument that AI is a creative tool.

I think it can be a creative tool; I have been messing around a bit with the latest update in Logic, the Drummer and Bass “Session” players, and you know it’s a really quick way to get an idea together. I mean, maybe one doesn’t have access to a band and wants some “other” input into a piece of music one is creating. Something that does the job, but doesn’t take over unless you ask it to…

A handy collaborative tool I think, but it will definitely be interesting to see how far reaching it will be; how will it influence young players? Or will young players just say “why bother” and simply type in some prompts to “create” something.

is that still creating? It’s sure different…

What we see in July 2024 will likely be obsolete within months, and replaced with much more capable systems.

AI cant move forks.