Aliens Are you interested?

I shouldn’t just spam the forum like that tho after a few drinks lol Aliens exite me, not in that way.

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That may be the biggest run of “(post deleted by author)” I have ever seen lol!!!

I’m just upset the back to the future clip was taken down. Such a classic!


Post "Alien abduction? lol


If there are aliens, I suspect it will be like this fine movie from 1988:


Already seems that way to me to be honest… #hivemind #metoo stuff drives me insane.

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Hi All,
I think this discussion is generally ok but let’s avoid getting into politics etc. We all know where that can end up :slight_smile:

We recently updated the guidelines and “no politics” is among the changes:

don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos

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lol I can’t watch it because I’m in England, typical. Love the young ones tho :slightly_smiling_face: Neil is my favorite man.

On that, most topics lead to politics, so do you mean just the convo turning into a full blown political discussion?

For example on reddit theres a subreddit called casual UK, if you even post a political person’s name you’ll get put on time out n your post deleted. That acually makes it hard to discuss anything meaningful. As so much stems from politics. Aliens for example lol

I still have it from time to time. Started when I was 17 or 18. Sometimes there’s something laughing at me from the corner of the room, sometimes a deafening sound, and sometimes it feels like I have been drugged by one of those Haitian witch doctors unable to move with an impending sense of doom and dread - well except I don’t wake up working on a cane farm. which ever it is, it’s never pleasant. I’ve been able to train myself to be able to recognize it when it starts, much like lucid dreaming, so I can snap out of it, because I really don’t want to take my chance with it being the thing laughing at me from the corner of the room.

I do also lucid dream every now and then, but I never can get them to last long.

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I frequently experienced sleep paralysis as a child, but it’s been decades since the last time now (mid 40s). I never experienced a feeling of anything else being there, that I can recall anyway, but it truly felt like life or death - either somehow fighting into actually being awake, or succumbing to sleep, which was a terrifying thought.

I might have lucid dreamed once… I experimented a bit with meditation when I was around 20. Around midnight one night I sat up in my bed and started meditating, imagining different things… I always felt in control and aware during this. At some point I figured that was enough and it was time to get on with my night, figuring about 20-30 minutes had passed, but it had actually been 8 hours, almost to the minute. I felt fantastic, but the reality of the passage of time was jarring enough to make me stop meditating. lol I should probably try it again.

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The “fighting” part and the sense of life and death is a part of it, it might trip cortisol. I totally understand that aspect. Often for me there is a sense that something else is there with me whether it’s “visible” or not. When it starts to happen to me, the last thought in my head is “well shit, I guess I’m in for a ride”. It’s messed up because the surroundings in this state are near identical to the room you are in, and sometimes when you fade out of it the images are still kind of “burned” into your retinas.

Some good old Doug Aldrich.

Not Aliens specifically, but definitely things that defy logical explanation.

Good question! I think the line is blurry, so the edge cases might be difficult to tell apart. But yes the main point is just to be careful that we don’t get derailed into full-blown political arguments as you say :slight_smile:

FYI I only mentioned this because by casually scrolling the threads I noticed a few people making vague references to governments and whatnot. As far as I can see these references were fairly generic and not the start of a big political debate, but you never know what will happen when aliens are involved, so I just wanted people to be aware of this!


I proper laughed out loud reading that :sweat_smile:


I thought this was a cool example of 4d space, or something that can’t be explained, it’s not what 4d is, but it’s a great example of how to think out of the box.

1:19 to 2:10 is the main example, the rest is fluff to me at least
I guess you need to of played minecraft to apricate it, awesome game.

this should be time stamped to davids explanation.

Take a shadow for example, most people would say its an absence of light, yet it’s not, it’s a legit 2d example and emergence of a genuine 2d world, no atoms, no 3d structure. Just a pure 2d object that because it’s literally 2d we don’t class it as a real thing, we say it’s just a shadow cast by a object… We are shadows to 4d and above dimensions. They can see right though us, see everything we are, and to them, are just a shadow of a greater object.

Most people would freak out if they thought everything they were could be seen, every thought, every dream, everything… and judged by a “higher” dimensional being. They would be in fear of themselves ironically.

I was on board with this guy possibly being legit until he started trying to imply interdimensional aliens lmfao

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I’ve been thinking about this thread on and off over the past few days and just thought I’d throw this out there.

What if, (wait for it :drum: :drum: :drum: ) … WE are the aliens???


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Have you ever actually thought about the various dimensions?
Did you look at the Carl Sagan video? Do you understand the concept? Can you explain it to me?

I really don’t mean to sound excessive with the question marks, I’m excited about this. Can you honestly give me your perspective on this?

intresting how we’re orders of magnitude in intelligence over billions of other life forms on this planet…
Or are we?..

this video is seriously insane if you get high n watch it… and creepy…

There’s zero evidence there are more than 3+1 dimensions. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong, and I’d be thrilled to find out about it, but so far there’s zero evidence for it. There may be some evidence for aliens. It’s very very faint if it’s there. But “they come from a different dimension” is just not a meaningful statement.

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