Am I correct in understanding that Mixed Escape and Double Escape are different? Or is that wrong?

So let me just back up for a second. If I were to post this lick below and given the information that you see notated, what would you infer about how to play it as written?

BTW, for reference this is what it sounds like at the posted speed:

PS Forgive the timing and the pick noise. I at least cut it after 3 iterations before it drives anyone nuts.

I really have no idea, but I’m guessing it is something USX because of the D D sequences, perhaps it is like this?

  1. fDt tUf fDf
  2. fUf fDt tUf
  3. fDt tUf fDt
  4. tUf fDt tUf
  5. fDt tUf fDt
  6. tDt tUf fDt
  7. tDt tUf fDt …

Is this right? I really don’t know!

That’s not quite true though. USX and DSX etc are not used to describe individual pickstokes, they are like picking systems. It’s not like there is a single USX or DSX pickstoke…,

Keep in mind the dd sequences only happen on the last beat, and the biggest thing - USX isn’t a requirement to do those.

Taking a look at your scheme above; Is knowing any of that required to be able to play that lick as it’s written? I’m getting at something more fundamental, and I’m hoping you are picking up what I’m putting down.

(Also there shouldn’t be a 7th line there, just repeats after the sixth)

Agreed, you’re saying exactly what I said, sorry if I wasn’t clear.