Any recs for a pointed, Jazz III-style *celluloid* pick?

I did get myself a big variety bag of different jazz 3s a while back; they’re all the same shape but in different plastics. In Ultex, I have a yellow clear one and a few of the shiny black Petrucci picks. The Petrucci in particular seems to stay “smoother” along the edge and resists wear from the strings, compared to the red nylons. Even the red ones do feel stiffer than most nylon picks, for sure—which I assume is because of the thickness and shape.

Those JB picks look pretty interesting! I’ll have to see if I can track one down!

Regarding… “cork”… sniffing, well: it is a forum full of guitar guys who are fascinated by playing as FAST AS POSSIBLE. Ha.

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………. Touché! :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::joy:

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Very much tongue-in-cheek….


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I’ve mostly been using the Dunlop Flow picks lately, I think 1.0…

…but for a while there I was uing Tortex Jazz-sized picks in various sizes between maybe 0.6 and 1.2. They’re not celluloid but tortex is close enough that I never really bothered one way or another, they’re cheap, and while I didn’t necessarily love the colors, they at least used to make a “pitch black” version of all of them in solid black.

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