The ultex one is awesome, the text on it really gives a grip that I like too, some picks like the max grip nylons stop you from fiddling your fingers around much as the pick moves to much, but the ultex jazz three doesn’t do that, yet still has a good grip even if you’re sweating. Thats one reason I like tortex, it seems to have a grip even if you’re sweating a lot, it’s weird as it’s surly not absorbing your sweat…
I also have noticed my favorite picks are ones that have worn themselves away a bit, molding around your playing technique, tho those kinda picks seem to be rare and they will wear out to the point of breaking, and for whatever reason they seem to be picks that have no brand on them, so i’ve no idea what I was playing with. Picks are weird like that from my experience lol
I know it’s a little bit off topic but perhaps not as the jazz three is small. One type of pick I’ve really found interesting is a very small one, I made a video ages ago with it…
I seen you made a topic about pick feel awhile ago @Achilleus if you’ve never tried these small ones they are a cool change. Kind of show you where your grip force is you know.
I think the pick being really small lets you feel your hand more. And apparently if you change from a big pick to a small one regularly you’ll increase the control in your hand, Troy has a full video on this with Noa Kageyama about this if I remember correctly? Based on scale and mouse dpi.