Anyone ever get a look at Mike Orlando's picking?

Mike Orlando sounds like controlled chaos to me. It seems like there is no pick slanting, just string crushing! I would love to see the magnet on this dude and hear what he has to say. He has a pretty amazing story since Adrenaline Mob has had more tragedy than most modern bands and he’s starting something new.

Any love for Sonic Stomp 1 & 2? @Troy have you ever had a chance to chat with him? Thanks, I’ll hang up and listen for my answer. :wink:

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Have not listened to him.

Does this mean it sounds sloppy? Because that would make for an awkward interview.

I havent heard of him so I checked whatever first song I found on YouTube.

In this video it looks to me like a DWPS :roll_eyes:

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Not sloppy, but not much effort to limit attack noise. That video @Medium_Attempt posted is a good example and it’s definitely DWPS. If you YouTube Sonic Stomp there are some fun examples as well:

Yes and in fact looks to be potentially an example of the elusive “downward pickslanting elbow”. If that’s a thing that exists - which we’re still discussing!

Just sounds like aggressive muting to me. Which is cool, suits the style.

If a conversation with him added to a discussion that’s happening, that could be wonderful. Just throwing his name out there. Thanks for giving it a look!