I was thinking of buying something like this:
I don’t know how well it would work with high speed video. But I like the idea of being able to get video from unusual positions.
I was thinking of buying something like this:
I don’t know how well it would work with high speed video. But I like the idea of being able to get video from unusual positions.
We haven’t tried one of these. Keep in mind it looks like this only shoots 30fps, so you wouldn’t be able to get slow-mo video, and it’s also limited in resolution. Really any camera phone these days (or a GoPro) will give you much better video quality. I’d also worry about vibration, my guess is it may shake quite a bit mounted to the guitar with this semi-rigid gooseneck thing. That said, for only ~$20 may be worth playing around with it. And perhaps there are similar ones with better cameras at a bit higher price point. If you give it a try let us know how it works!
Thanks. I guess I just like the idea of getting unusual angles, but 30 fps is a big limitation for sure. I’ll see if theres anything with 60 at least.