So I’ve found something interesting: I seem to pick with much more accuracy and ease when I’m playing my acoustic guitar. The movement seems to me simple and from the wrist, and the arm is steady. However, when I play with my strat, alternate picking suddenly becomes a lot harder. The movement becomes very inconsistent, sometimes adding in an unwanted twist movement that I’ve never really got along with, but most all, the arm in general just seems to shake.
Now, I’m not sure what the reason for this might be, but I am wondering if it’s because the way my elbow and shoulder comfortably nestles into the larger body of the acoustic - you basically have a firm arm anchor when you’re playing acoustic, it’d be very hard not to. When I’m playing the strat, the only part of my arm that is touching the strat is the bottom of the forearm, and I feel like I really need to push into it to stop unwarranted elbow movements.
First of all, does anyone else find arm anchoring important, and second of all, could there be another reason I’m having much more luck with the acoustic eg the angle of the picking arm? Also, how do you keep the arm still in the absence of such an anchor? I hate not being able to play my strat.