Ascending Economy

Go to 0:20 seconds in. It’s a very similar lick, it’s the main lick from the Miracle Man solo

It’s really hard to see, since the camera is slightly out of focus and we can’t see the pick behind your thumb, but it looks like your motion is a two way motion with a bit more preference for a downward escape (hand angles change in different licks). This would also explain why the ascending sweeps feel less comfortable than the descending sweeps. The sound could be more up front so that you really can hear the details but thanks for uploading and cool playing, man!

Is there anything specific you want to change?

Wow this sounds so great, i love the separation of attacks in your playing - what string gauge do you use? I’m using .10s and I think it might be hindering the string change

mines still a work in progress - i think i occasionally play pick, pick, hammer especially on ascending fast runs. I find ‘starting’ the run quite difficult in general, if i don’t get the exact pick angle on the first stroke I find it all falls apart

various scales and approximation of trilogy suite intro at 120bpm

excuse the gurning at this speed lol

Thanks! Really great playing, you too! Looks like you have a clear powerful attack in both directions. In all honesty it’s hard to hear what’s really going on when the amp is so far away from the camera. The differens between our “perceived attacks” might just be the sound of the amp. I prefer too use a really upfront sound with a lot of treble when practising, so that I can really hear the nuances. I guess you would sound equally clear through that setup.

Honestly I don’t know what exact string gauge it is. I just bought the guitar the other day and haven’t changed strings yet. I would guess it’s 9s though. And the guitar is tuned to Eb for playing along with Yngwie tracks. The sound of the guitar is very thin as well. But you get the pronounced attack that I think is key to get the early Yngwie sound. His early picking sound was way more aggressive than later Yngwie, and for me that’s a major part of why his early stuff sounds so great. Same with PG.

I guess I would like to learn how to make the ascending sweeps more comfortable. When I do it now, it works sometimes, but I think i throw in a hammer on which is fine, but Id like to get the technique down

Ok! What I would suggest is that you try to angle your picking motion so that you almost pick into the guitar on downstrokes. This will give the pick better contact with the string and give you more control over the ascending sweeps.