Audio of Steve Morse playing with The Guitar Trio

I see this was just posted on YT - full audio of gig with Steve Morse opening for The Guitar Trio then joining in at the end.

There isn’t alot of info out there on SM’s involvement with this goal-post moving group in shred guitar and…I wasn’t even sure if a recording existed with him…but…it does. I’ve had a chance to hear his opening set but not the end yet.

Just posting for those interested. I’m a big fan of all four of these monsters.


I always enjoyed listening to the Trio because I rarely do, and I’m so unfamiliar with the players that I just have fun trying to figure out who’s who. For example, who’s beasting out at 31:45? From the speed and attack I might guess John? I don’t think I’ve heard Al go that fast and it doesn’t sound finger style.

I defiantly think that’s JM - he’s using his ‘second finger for every other note’ pattern he usually does when playing really fast. Also the rhythm behind sounds like Paco or Al…John typically does more well placed chord stabs - the other two use alot of that rasgueado-like flourishes (I guess in Paco’s case it is rasqueado).

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Have any examples of the “second finger for every other note” pattern? Sounds interesting!

Troy mentions it somewhere…might be in antigravity. I’ve been training it in as its a nice compliment to the Di Meola patterns.


That is John. He played a Nylon String then and you can hear his phrasing. Al comes in at the 32:45ish mark. He plays steel string ovations, it’s also his style. Paco the clear finger style before John.

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It’s all here:

John’s fast playing is all organized around patterns to promote downstroke string changes. His raw hand speed was off the charts at this time period.

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