Says “video unavailable” for me
Also, I think to a degree, most of us wouldn’t even be on this forum if we weren’t passionate about music and have strong opinions. I think it’s good to remember that the vast majority of consumers of any entertainment product aren’t going to have super sophisticated tastes. In ways, I’m probably a music snob and I think I’d blame my education on it. I’ve been exposed to pretty high quality music, and from a “theory” standpoint I understand what’s so high quality about it. It makes me tend to appreciate things that I don’t even really like…but do to the appreciation aspect, I tend to start liking it more anyway. If that makes sense.
Other “art” forms, such as film…I know nothing about from a technical perspective. I just watch stuff that entertains me. According to Martin Scorsese, some of the stuff I find entertaining is apparently horrible lol! I think the average music listener is much like I am about film.