Best slow mo video length for feedback

Hi all. Very happy to be here. Would very much like the community’s help and assessment of my picking but what is the best video clip length and speed to share before doing so? I took a 30s segment of myself doing the Paul Gilbert lick starting with first a downstroke and then an upstroke. But slowed down to 10% the video ends up 5 minutes long. Too long? Any advice would be appreciated so I maximise the community effort without wasting anyone’s time.

Getting Started Guide – Cracking the Code link is broken for me sadly so I can’t read. Thanking you all in advance, Andrew.

Hi Doc, welcome!

I’d say as a rule of thumb, 10 seconds of normal speed, and then the equivalent at 4x slow motion, are usually enough to diagnose most issues.

We’d usually recommend to post both videos separately (normal speed and slomo), since different things can be analyzed at the two different playback speeds.

Finally, we’d also recommend to do only one specific example per video with a clear textual description. Looking forward to your vids, hopefully we can help!

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Thank you so much for your reply Tommo. Looking forward to contributing more… :pray::pray::pray: