Hello all,
It’s been a long time since I’ve posted because it’s honestly been a long time since I played anything new/challenging. I’ve been into acoustic and classical a lot more than electric lately also which comes to me a bit easier, so this question is about the left hand rather than the right.
I started learning Level 40 by Ewan Dobson recently and it’s slow going because playing the piece is sort of like rubbing your belly while patting your head. Do-able but it takes a while for my brain to get used to it. My bigger problem though is the stretches he does. I’m a short person with small hands so the piece is incredibly difficult for me to play correctly even very early on.
The screenshot below is a perfect example of why. The 4th fret on the E string is sustained throughout the rest of that section. The 7th fret on the D is a bit of a stretch for my pinky while holding the 3rd fret on the A with my forefinger but it’s do-able. Then adding in the 4th and holding it… I don’t see how it’s possible. Once I get my pinky to the 7th fret, my middle finger on the 4th curls so much that it ends up lifting the string. If I lock the joint on my middle finger, my nail digs in and I simply can’t reach with my pinky. I’ve tried shifting my thumb all over on the neck, putting the guitar on my left leg, moving my elbow to different places, but I just can’t seem to find a way to keep pressure on the E string while reaching for that 7th fret.
Usually when I encounter a problem like this, it’s just a matter of stretching or playing around with the note and finding out that I can play the same note in a different location but this time neither of those options seem to work. My first thought is that it’s just not possible for my hand but surely there’s a way to do this. I can’t imagine classical guitarists that are infinitely more skilled than I am and happen to have small hands would come across a piece like this and say “oh well, I guess I can’t play it”. So they must either re-arrange the whole piece to suit their hand or have a way of making that dang stretch. Does anyone here know what I can do to make this stretch and/or do the smaller classical guitarists really re-arrange pieces to fit their hands?