Cascading down the Byzantine Volcano (DWPS)

I’m trying to figure out the most efficient way to play a Byzantine Scale (Double Harmonic Minor) idea with DWPS. The problem I have is those slides there doesn’t seem to be a way to play this without a hammer on somewhere unless I go to DSX style picking. Am I missing something. Here are the basic ascending options, and a one octave etude type lick. It’s in E Byzantine, Rainbow fans will recognize this since is the same key as “Gates of Babylon.”

I might be misunderstanding, but why not just take out the slides? They will just be shifts, but the picking here seems correct
Edit: sorry. I havent had my coffee yet.
In the 5th bar you can play a a down stroke after the hammer (or take the hammer out) but pull off before each decending string change for that bar

I’m a big fan of sweep picking the ascending lines and alternate/pull off the descending, like Yngwie. As such, I try to lay everything 3nps ascending for economy picking, pull off on the way back down.

The way you have it on the second staff, I would economy the B to E string change and pull of the turn around on the E string. I really love the half picked guitar sound of Paul Gilbert, so the last two notes on the E string would be pull offs, come in aggressively on the B string to emphasize the pick attack. You could play the descending part as a 4 note run on the B string if it’s easier.