Cesario Filho Thumb Finger Technique

Looks impressing to me. Any thoughts? How does it relate to pickslanting technique?


Not sure I see it more like Goku, and a DBZ fight. His pick is going at this kind of speed. Only thing I can tell you is he perceives it from the thumb, not the index, I asked. And I believe it also follows the upstroke escape, usx guidelines, but with the thumb/index. However this isn’t the only thing he will do, he will use other techniques, and knows of each. Probably even knows his limits of each one as well.

an approach i might suggest you could also incorporate would be to also add in rest stroke technique to it as well, it might help ingrain articulation faster into the subconscious mind for phrases. however this is where it would get tricky because there would be instances where you wouldn’t do this, outside strokes, so it would be altering his system.


Chico Pinheiro also does this, it’s kinda like circle picking. I can’t understand how they make that motion so fast, but they sure make it work.

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On certain moments Malmsteen also does a kind of thumb movement.

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so when i started back playing again at age 37 i was really pushing the limits of thumb index due to getting inspired by cesario filho covering entire yngwie albums live streamed on youtube. i would ramp up the tempo until it burned like hell on earth for my hands ramping up the tempo 1bpm every few seconds with this metronome app, metronome beats, it goes up to 900 bpm. after a week or two of this i actually started to see my speeds getting higher and higher. with other styles of picking that i could do i wasn’t seeing this kind of progress. so ultimately it might just be everybody’s genetics are different, and the body might adapt for some in some ways, but other ways it might just remain dormant. it is like with my back, it is the strongest, but my chest was always the weakest. that is just genetic, my body says to heal the back first and foremost while back burning the other muscle groups that are least important to my particular body type.

So what i find interesting about this after first blowing it off, and just not caring to watch it. Not because I don’t like his music, I have since sort of strayed from this style into other music. However I did notice something interesting just now watching it. About a minute and a half into it he does this single string descending run into this tremolo kind of thing. If you watch closely you can notice his wrist almost hit that gypsy jazz flexion, but since a strat has that angle on the body it is hard to see it. But with this camera angle you can see it clearly, he very gradually starts to hit that flexion as the notes keep going and going. So you can tell he is finding reserve energy to overcome the complexity of the picking endurance required to do what he is trying to play. Basically his motion has the supination/pronation forearm rotation, but often times he will incorporate a bit of thumb/index movement as well. And at the end of it all his wrist then goes back to planting out of that flexion setup.

Of course that isn’t all that he is doing, there are other sweeping techniques, and cross string ascended/descended manuevers happening. Just thought I would point out what I saw I thought it was interesting so there you go.

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