Clapton/ Gary Moore feel player here looking to move on to slant and speed picking

Hi Group, my name is Kenny and I’ve been playing over 25 years but recently hit a brick wall in slant/ speed picking and need some advice on how to master it if need be one string at a time! Any ideas please reply, thanks @Troy


Hi Kenny, wanna bet I’m EvenSlowerHand? :smile:

As for speed, here’s a video that was shared somewhere else in the forum:

I guess other members may have different methods for gaining speed but I don’t think many of us would say the information here is totally backward.

As for slants…I’ll let somebody smarter/more experienced to help you with that :wink: I personally learned all I needed from Troy’s YouTube series.

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Hey Kenny! Gary Moore was a damn good guitarist and quite fast player in his own right even though he was known primarily for blues from the 1990s and onwards. Have you ever heard his fast playing such as in the unaccompanied intro to End Of the World? It was released in 1982 - the year before Yngwie made his debut with the Steeler album. That was considered state of the art for fast rock guitar picking at the time! Even today it’s considered hard to play.

Foe those who have never heard this furious picking by Gary Moore, here it is!

Hi Kenny, welcome to the forum! Have you checked out our “Getting Started” section? Lots of helpful (we hope!) stuff here:

This has some suggestions for where we recommend starting when it comes to learning more about technique / motion mechanics, as well as how to post video to the forum for more specific feedback once you’ve spent some time experimenting with different motion mechanics etc.

Take a look and let us know if that helps / if you have further questions getting started!

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Thanks for your help Brendan I’m going to look into it now and try and sink my teeth into it the rest of the day and I’ll keep u all posted to let u know how my progress is going! Thanks brother

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Thanks for the video and all your help brother I’ll look into the video all day today and keep u posted, I don’t know if this is normal but with legato playing I have really nice speed, also I do Alternate picking but can’t get past the normal up,down, motion of picking!

Thanks brother for the awesome video and advice, honestly intill now I never got into anything of Gary moore’s Stuff other the his blues stuff due to I am a heavy clapton,gilmour player and at the time wanted to flair up my blues style which Gary helped big time but now after going for lessons to learn vai,Satriani,Johnson,etc I hit a brick wall mainly due to picking is really hard for me,